Dukes show Cubs spirit as World Series approaches

As the World Series is creeping up on us after yet another win from the Cubs last night, the Dukes showed their support by wearing all things Cubs to school this week. With various jerseys and t-shirts, find out the different ways the Dukes are showing their Cubs pride!

Sophomore Luke Miller said, “I have been watching them play this whole season and I think that they will make it all the way!”
Sophomore Delaney Tase said, “I went to the game last Saturday when Montero hit the grand slam and it was dope!”
Senior Jenna Dvorak said, “My favorite player on the cubs would have to be Addison Russell!”
Freshman Rachel Kayman said, “My favorite player on the Cubs is #34 Lester because not only does he have great hair, but he’s also a great pitcher.”
“I only watch a couple games because I like to know what’s going on with the Cubs or when something big is happening like last nights game, ” said one freshman Cubs fan.
Mrs. Jetter shows her Cubs pride in hopes to see another win for the cubs.