YSET stands for York Student Enrichment Team. The club is composed of parents and students that work together to raise money for families that struggle to afford various opportunities that York offers.

Different fundraisers are held throughout the year that are not only for a good cause, but are also a good time. The funds are then given to York families who have trouble affording athletic programs and equipment, instruments, tickets to prom and homecoming, and much more.

“The fundraisers are unique because they aren’t your everyday car wash or bake sale,” said Lily Kraus, sophomore and a member of the club’s executive committee. “They raise money while letting people have fun and enjoy themselves for a good cause and their volunteers have fun doing it as well.”

The clubs attributes much of its success to its organization as well as the people willing to carry out the clubs mission. 

“We have plenty of dedicated volunteers, making it super easy to set up events and fundraisers,” said Kraus. “We always have people willing to lend a hand or get in touch with people they know to set things up.”

Student volunteers can use this club as a way to gain service hours for National Honors Society.

by: Shaylin Fuller
YSET club members preparing for their meeting on Wed., Oct., 19.

“We are trying to make the club more student focused, run by students,” said parent sponsor Linda Nudera. “This will distribute the responsibilities, instead of parents contacting fundraiser locations, the students will.”

If you aren’t already a volunteer, helping this club raise funds is easy; they organize fundraisers that require participants to simply eat dinner.

“There will be several nights over the course of the year when a place such as Panera or Chipotle will give us a percentage of the profit,” said Bridget Campbell, junior and member of the club’s executive committee. “It would be great to get more people to know about those nights.”

Fundraisers that have already taken place include concessions at the annual Powderpuff football game. Both students and adults volunteered in shifts. With 28 student volunteers in attendance, the event was considered a success. Volunteers worked together selling pizza, drinks, and candy. The event raised $522.

This year, the club has already raised $22,958 and donated upwards of two thousand dollars to student Homecoming tickets. The club is looking forward to another great year of fundraising and donating.