Marching Band: A Season in Review
On Fri., Oct., 14, the York Dukes Marching Band and Color Guard performed their last halftime show of the season. From the beginning of marching band camp to the end of the last game, here are some photos of the band performing their Queen-inspired halftime show, or just hanging out having a good time. Good job, Dukes; see you at Disney World!

Juniors Nick Agliata, Aquena Thomas, Maya Moran and Abby Ciccarone, as well as senior Ally Gley and sophomore Lindsay McColl do a team bonding activity at the first day of marching band camp.

Juniors Eric Doberstien, Will Salek, and Sam Griffen and seniors Emmett OBrien and Nick Thomas pose for a picture for the first game, which was USA themed.

Prepping for the first game, Sam Griffen, junior, Kaitlyn Selfridge, Emily Rohman and Abril Stoddard, sophomores, and senior Nick Thomas, create a train to braid each others hair.

Before each halftime show, the band would huddle up by the north field goal and have a pep talk. Here is a picture of one of their pep talks.

Taken from the trumpet section at the last game, this is what it looks like from the bands point of view at a football game.

From the stands, the marching bands halftime show was a sight to see.

The drum majors Amy Letavay, Emmett O’Brien, and Jack Gornick, seniors, lead the band in the drum cadence as they walk from the school.

Posing in their new jackets, the flags team stays warm for marching band practice every day.

Ainsley Bonner, sophomore, and Madeleine DeGrace join the marching band as they march around the halls to bring spirits up for the Homecoming football game.

The Color Guard hangs out next to the band at the Homecoming Pep Rally.

At the powderpuff football game, drum major Emmett O’Brien, senior, gets asked to Homecoming by the entire band.

Performing their pregame routine at the homecoming football game, the color guard shows off their skills with the “Fight Song” choreography.

Natalie Rohman, senior, smiles to the crowd as she performs “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” at the homecoming football game.

Abril Stoddard, sophomore, and Sam Jensen, freshman, play their instruments during the homecoming football game for the Poms feature.

Seniors Julia McColl and Mikayla Castora and junior Madeleine DeGrace from the color guard team, stay excited for the halftime show.

Aquena Thomas, junior, walks at attention while the band walks around the track, before the game.

Ben Airdo, sophomore, Eric Doberstien, junior, Matt Shiley, senior walk along the track in time with the cadence to get the stands pumped about the halftime show.

Juniors Madeleine DeGrace and Brittney White wait eight counts for the “Queen Opener” to begin.

Senior Kathleen Walsh is all smiles after she finished a performance of the second song of the halftime show, “Crazy Little Thing Called Love.”

The saxophone section eyes their drum major as they wait for their musical cue to come in and continue playing.

Showing marching band pride, junior Andrew Hilgendorf runs down the track with the marching band flag stuck in his bass drum harness.

Vince Cahill and Hanna Czeladko, seniors, and Maya Moran, junior, attempt to stay warm at one of the coldest games of the year.

Seniors Kathleen Walsh, Alaina Bottens, Julia McColl and Angelo Buscaglia pose for a picture after being recognized at senior night.

The seniors on marching band and flags pose for a picture at the last game.

Drum major Amy Letavay and Angelo Buscaglia, seniors, are all smiles as they get ready for their last halftime performance as a duke.
About the Contributor

Madeleine DeGrace, Y's Tales Editor in Chief
Madeleine DeGrace is a senior on staff. This is her fourth year in a journalism class, and she loves it. She is editor in chief of the 100 year yearbook...