Students must submit proof of Tdap by October 15

Starting this year in Illinois, a new law is being enforced that requires that students in grades 6-12 must show proof of having received one dose of the Tdap vaccine.

According the Illinois School Code, any student without adequate proof of the vaccination will be excluded from school beginning on October 15. However, after reading a headline like this, many people may not even know what the Tdap vaccine does or if they have received it. The purpose of the Tdap vaccine is to protect you against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). These are all very deadly diseases caused by a bacteria, so that is why it is being required for students to get the vaccine.

Nevertheless, many students receive this shot when they get an updated physical shots.

If not, be sure to bring proof of  receiving the Tdap vaccine by Tuesday, October 15.