Fall fashion inspires new outfits

Pumpkin farms, apple picking, sweaters, uggs, fall candles at Bath and Body Works, and P.S.L.’s at Starbucks–what is that? Sounds like fall to me. If there was a choice to have one season all year round, the most popular vote would likely be fall. Personally, I’m convinced that if it was year round, it would eventually lead to world peace and constant happiness. In honor of the fall season, it seems appropriate to share the beautiful fall street style of the York student body. Hopefully this will bring inspiration to your upcoming fall outfits–enjoy!

Megan Heiss, freshman, has paired the very popular button up jean skirt with an off the shoulder knit white flounce top with a lace trim. “I usually shop at Hollister, American Eagle and stores like that. I love the clothes they have, and they are really nice quality too,” Heiss said.

Kasey Gelsomino, senior, dresses up simple jeans with chocolate rider boots and a chiffon top from a rare store, Primark. “If Chicago had a Primark, I would only shop there. Right now, there is only one in Boston and the rest are in England,” said Gelsomino.

Kennedy Gardner, senior, styles her white ripped jeggings and denim button up with the in-style faux fur vest. “I love Fall style because it’s so versatile,” said Gardner. “You can dress comfy while looking stylish and cute. During fall, you have a lot more variety–unlike summer where it’s all the same shorts and a cute shirt. In the fall, you have a lot more options.”

Ciara McDaid, junior, ties together many trendy items of clothing into one outfit. The very popular army green jacket paired with the solo knee ripped jeans matched with the famous white converse and a simple black tee. McDaid also speaks the truth of many girls’ internal thoughts. McDaid woke up this morning and said, “These jeans look clean. This shirt just got out of the wash, and I like this jacket.” Then she was out the door.

Rio Diaz, senior, wears a pair of navy blue jeans cuffed at the bottom, along with a plain maroon tee and a navy button up with white polka dots. He sets an example for the males of York. Keeping coordinating colors in mind, Diaz gets ready for the day. “These cuffed pants are super stylish,” said Diaz. “I chose this maroon tee because it’s the color of fall. I chose this button up because it matched with the maroon and the pants.”

Mrs. Noonan, a creative writing teacher, is considered a fashion icon to many students. Strutting black capri pants, a chiffon top with lace trim, and a Peloponnese scarf, she makes getting ready for school seem effortless. “Well, I saw that it was going to be a nice day out today, so I decided to wear these capri-ish pants,” said Noonan. “Then, I haven’t worn this top in a while, so I wanted to wear it. This morning I was a little chilly, so I threw on this scarf and never took it off.”