Boys swim and dive start strong

This year’s boys swim and dive team is pictured.

The boys swim and dive team had a promising start with a win against Wheaton Warrenville South on Dec. 3.

With only about two weeks of practice so far, the boys have once again proven their skill in the pool by winning on both swimming and diving levels.

The boys aspire to beat their previous record of 5-3 and fifth at sectionals. To achieve this, they have been training at a higher level with intense practice, putting them in a more competitive mindset and physical readiness.

“With practices before and after school, swim is a huge commitment,” said freshman Evan Shemroske. “It takes up a lot of my time, but it’s proving to be worth it so far.”

The team is hopeful for a great season, and they are even hoping to send both swimmers and divers to state this February.

“The team has been preparing to face any competitor in the pool,” said sophomore Grant Gibbs.

We wish the boys luck at their next meet against Lyons Township on Dec. 16. Go out to support your boys swimmers and divers!