Running and jumping into action: Boys Track and Field 2017

Boys Track and Field runners, throwers, and jumpers of 2016.
York Boys Track and Field began their winter practices on Mon. Jan. 16 in preparation for upcoming meets with their first meet taking place Mon., Jan. 23 in the Field House at 3:30.
With the first meet being only a week after the first practice, a great deal of pre-season training is needed to do well in Boys Track and Field.
“I ran five days a week, did sprints and stuff on my own, and just ate right,” said Antonio Lepore, sophomore.
The York-hi asked a few of the Boys Track and Field participants what York should be expecting from the team this year.
“Last year we under performed, and the season didn’t go as planned on the varsity level,” said sophomore Tim Boyle. “However, I definitely see a better season ahead of us, and we should be a very competitive team this season.”
The boys expect to have a great season individually and as a team; after training for both track and field events, the runners, throwers, and jumpers are expecting to have an even better season than they did last year.
“From amazing athletes to a fantastic coaching staff, I anticipate a phenomenal track season,” said Cody Coha, senior.
Be sure to make your way to the Field House Monday at 3:30 to support the Dukes in their first meet of the season!

Isabelle Downey is a senior and has been on staff for the past three years. This year, she is the Editor-in-Chief of Y's Tales. She is involved in YTV,...