Speech Team commences Fine Arts Week performances
To kick off Fine Arts Week, members of the York Speech Team showcased their pieces in the auditorium first and second period. Senior Team Captain Morgan Taylor introduced the performers, which included David Hansen (Original Comedy), Erin Lee and Mike Bindeman (Humorous Duet Acting), Jake Rehling (Humorous Interpretation), Molly Mayfield (Poetry Reading), Dominic Gatti (Impromptu Speaking), and Erin Stone (Informative Speaking).
Performing in front of students was a nice change from the team’s normal atmosphere where they are used to performing in front of judges and other competitors at Saturday tournaments.

“It was a really exciting experience to perform our pieces in front of the student body because the audience was so receptive and engaged,” said sophomore Mike Bindeman. “It was also really great to be able to perform for an audience that isn’t constantly looking for flaws, because we’re able to really just have fun while performing.”
All six performances varied in subject matter, the team presenting humorous pieces, more traditional speeches, and informing the audience on the many various topics. The pieces showcased were perfected throughout the season, and all students who performed advanced to the sectional level. With their season completed, they enjoyed sharing their hard work with their fellow peers.
“It was exciting, exhilarating, and really fun to have everyone laugh at me,” said sophomore David Hansen. “It’s important to share speech team at fine arts week because we want people to join, and speech team can really help you in all aspects of your life.”

Ellie Ryan is a senior and is so excited for her fourth year on York-hi! This is her second year as Editor-in-Chief, and her third year of being an editor...