Jam Production’s Nick Miller shares his story with York students
On Tues., Feb. 27, Vice President of Jam Productions visited York to talk about his experiences working in the music industry. An alumni of Hersey High School in Arlington Heights, Miller has always wanted to visit high schools and talk to students who are passionate about the arts.
“I always wanted to go back to my old high school and I never really got the chance,” said Miller. “So I’m excited to get the chance to talk to you.”
He grew up loving music, constantly listening to records and following the music scene in Chicago. When he was 12, he picked up the guitar, and his sister, a big influence in his life, taught him how to play.
“I was the beneficiary of being exposed to music,” said Miller. “All music, not just rock, helped develop my musical brain.”
After getting a degree in radio and television at SIU, he got a job working at Jam Productions, where he has worked for 30 years. He shared with York students how he was able to make a career doing what he loved most, and encourages other students to do the same.
“Be professional and make an impact – really put it all out there whenever you get the opportunity.”

Ellie Ryan is a senior and is so excited for her fourth year on York-hi! This is her second year as Editor-in-Chief, and her third year of being an editor...