Game on: Sharks vs. Jets
As rehearsals for York Drama’s spring musical, West Side Story, commence, a lighthearted banter between the Shark gang and the Jet gang has emerged, and a prank war has broken out.
The prank war began last week when the Sharks ambushed the choir room, decking it out with gummy shark candy, streamers, shark posters, and even a shark tent. To retaliate, the Jets decided to don blue outfits for a choreography rehearsal, which the Sharks got wind of. They decided to wear red outfits to contrast.

The Jets were once again ready to strike back at the Sharks. Earlier this week, they too ambushed the choir room, this time with their own decorations. They put up signs with quotes from the show, such as “Play it cool,” or “We’re the greatest.” They also hung toy planes around the room and used duct tape to write out “JETS” on the floor.

The York-hi will be covering the prank war as it continues throughout the production. Check back in to see who wins the war!

Rebecca Rogers is a senior returning for her second year on the York-hi staff. This year, she is very excited to be serving as the Art & Entertainment...