Boys lacrosse shooting for success this season
The 2016 varsity boys lacrosse team plays a game at the York stadium.
With a new season underway and their first invite on Sunday at York Stadium, boys varsity lacrosse is preparing to dominate in their upcoming season.
Due to 15 seniors graduating last year, nine of which were starting players for the varsity team, they are looking significantly younger than in previous years. However, the boys are not going to let that stop them from succeeding.
“The team is very young this year compared to last year where we were very senior dominated and we’re basically all returning varsity players, either juniors or sophomores from the 2015 team,” said senior Jack Redick. “We have a very different skills sets. We lost a lot of our athletes and have changed our style of play to fit our abilities on the field.”
With the start of a new season, the team has actually changed the way the play the game as well.
“We are changing the way we run our offense and play at the midfield position,” said Redick. “For the first time we have offense and defensive midfielders which will take some adapting to but I think it will be beneficial in the end.”
Not only are the boys planning on dominating on the field, they are hoping to get closer off the field.
“Compared to the JV team last year that I was on, this team is a lot closer and more gelled,” said senior Colin Johnson. “I’m looking forward to getting closer to my teammates.”
While the athletes look forward to spending time

Senior varsity players (from left to right) Colin Johnson, Cory Jaegar, Louis Gianneschi, Pierceson Mapes, and Jack Matthews meet up at the Chicago St. Patrick’s Day Parade this past Saturday for some team bonding.
with each other, their ultimate goal is to better themselves as athletes and people.
“The goal for us is always to develop student-athletes to be hardworking, problem-solving, respectful leaders,” said varsity coach Don Canfield.
All in all, boys varsity lacrosse has a lot to look forward to this season.
“Obviously we want to win the state championship, but personally I also would love to win our third straight conference championship for the varsity team,” said Redick.
Come out to cheer on the team this weekend at our very own York Stadium on Saturday morning at 8:45 am!

Kylie Travers is a senior at York. This year, she is Co-Editor-In-Chief of the York-hi. Other than her extremely passionate love of writing and reading...