Excellent educators and excellent parents

On Thurs., April 27, York faculty celebrated “Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day” by showing their children what is involved in a day in the life of a York Duke. From decorating bags to playing games in the fieldhouse to making slime, there was no shortage of fun for these children.

“My favorite part of York is that I got to get a donut when I walked into school,” said Sophie, the daughter of French teacher Madame Hamidi.

All around the nation, parents brought their eager children to the workplace and organized special activities to show them the excitement of their careers. Here’s a look at the York staff’s children enjoying the many events put on for this fun day.

Ms. Bylina, an English teacher, helps her children Nora and Stevie with computers in the York-hi lab.
Photo by Madeleine DeGrace
English teacher, Mrs. Fleming brought her kids Maggie (12), Tim (10), and Casey (7), to school. The kids saw her many different classes and Tim worked on his English homework during her sixth period class.
Photo by Madeleine DeGrace
Social studies teacher, Mrs. Mueller, brought her second and third oldest, Ernie (13) and Millie (10), to school with her as a way to show them how she goes about her day.
Technology Instructor Mrs. Diebold and her son Frankie stop for a picture on their way to the various activities organized for Bring Your Child to Work Day.
Physics teacher Mrs. Allen and her daughter Ayla show off their matching Bears shirts.
Mrs. Nall, the world language department chair and ELL department, helps her daughter Sydney fill out a name tag before the school day.
Mrs. Munn, a PE teacher, takes a break from her yoga classes to pose with her son Chance.
Mr. Chambers, an English teacher, enjoys the widespread of children’s food with his daughter and other staff members’ daughters.
PE teacher Mr. Constable takes his children Adalyn and Jayce to the fieldhouse to play games.
Sophie, the daughter of French teacher Madame Hamidi, feels comfortable in her mother’s French classroom.
Mrs. Weed, a math teacher, shows her daughter, Kendall (5), what a typical day is like teaching algebra, trigonometry, and geometry. Her birthday is this Sunday and she will be celebrating at Rainforest Cafe.
Mr. Chmielinski, a math teacher at York, introduces his daughter Ellie to his classroom and his students.
Mrs. Leadaman, a math teacher, shows her children around the math department office at the beginning of an exciting day.
Ms. Buono, an American government and Italian teacher, and her son are eager for the events of the day.