With the end of the school year quickly approaching, many York seniors have only one thing on their mind: graduation.
On May 1, also known as Decision Day, seniors came to school dressed in gear from their future colleges, as well as posting where they’ve committed to college on the maps outside of the CCRC.
Maps were hung up outside of the CCRC for seniors to post where they will be attending college.Seniors Cameran Maxeiner, who will be attending Columbia College Chicago, and Billy Reich, who will be attending University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, pointed to their college decisions on the maps outside of the CCRC.Senior Julia McColl showing off her college decision of Middle Tennessee State University.Senior Madi Miller will be attending SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) this fall in Savannah, Georgia.(Left to right) Seniors Natalie Rohman, Julia McColl, Mikayla Castora, and Kathleen Walsh show pride for their future colleges.Many seniors met before school to take Decision Day pictures. (Left to right) Erina Maranda, Emily Locke, Kylie Travers, Samiyya Ahmed, Madison Miller, and Amanda Bardhoshi hold up the mascots of their future colleges.(Left to right) Claire Frolik, Morgan Bojesen, Mia Nicosia, Sarah Rose, Julianna Sonenberg, Maddie Lacek, Cameron Elsey, and Chloe Burr represent their future schools before school Monday.(Left to right) Kristie Paus, Lily Hohman, Madison Grotto, Alex Schmitz, Evvie Curran, Sabrina Less, Leah Gregory, Rachel Valdiserri, Savanna Clements, and Nici DeSpinich show off their future schools. Shown above, who could not make the picture, are Becca Squier, Anna Gutierrez, Brynn Noonan, Maddie Perry, and Shayne Holmes.(Left to right) Olivia Possley, Ella Lee, and Ervin Prophet stop for a picture in class.(Left to right) Erin Strauss, Claire Conwell, Mia Varzino, Bri Suchy, Jackie Saco, Mady Schiller, Caitlin Ostojic, Gillian Berg, Kati Potaczek, Genna Saia, Maddie Hackney, Rayanne Shockey, and Julia Whitcomb met before school for Decision Day pictures.
Julia Neri is a senior at York High School. This is her third year as a staff member on York-hi, and she has been the features editor of the newspaper...
Kylie Travers is a senior at York. This year, she is Co-Editor-In-Chief of the York-hi. Other than her extremely passionate love of writing and reading...