Looking back on Student Council’s busy year
Student Council began the year with a very busy Homecoming Week, including the King and Queen of the Couch competition, spirit days, the Powder Puff game, and the dance itself, which was planned by the Homecoming Student Council Committee.
Stephen Chornij, freshman class president, loved the school spirit that came along with Homecoming Week.
“My favorite event was definitely Homecoming,” Chornij said. “This was my favorite event because there is so much school spirit that takes place during homecoming week by everyone in the school, and it makes you have a ton of school spirit with all the activities and spirit days going on.”

In addition to the students on Student Council, Mr. Matt Moran, one of the teacher sponsors for Student Council, enjoyed planning Homecoming Week.
“ I think most of us really enjoy Homecoming just because there’s so much positive energy to start the year with,” said Moran. “We work on it for several months in the summer.”
Aside from larger events, Student Council members were also responsible for planning and executing several smaller events. For example, Student Council runs blood drives throughout the year.
Their first drive in October was a great success, collecting 86 pints of blood and potentially saving 258 lives.
“I also run the Blood Drive, which is held three times a year,” Senior Molly O’Halloran, the student body vice president said. “We typically sign up around 140 people to donate blood each time, and every donation saves three lives! I love running the blood drive. It’s so rewarding knowing that all of the hard work is going towards helping people and saving so many lives.”
Around Veteran’s day the student council put together events to honor the holiday. The veteran breakfast and Veterans Day Assembly honor those who have fought for our country.
“I like the Veterans Day Brunch because it brings a bunch of people from not only our school, but our community as a whole together,” said senior Meaghan McIntyre, a member on the executive board of Student Council.
Leading up to prom, Student Council organized the “Mr. Duke” competition, a hilarious beauty pageant for juniors or seniors. The prize is free prom tickets.
“My favorite event was Mr. Duke,” said Molly O’Halloran. “Mike Riley bringing his baby niece out as his escort during the formal wear portion was probably the cutest thing I’ve seen at York. It was so fun to see the boys show their school spirit, and it was nice to see a senior pulling out the big win.”
The final major event for Student Council was prom, which from all accounts, was a great success.
“Planning an event takes a lot of time and effort,” said freshman Elly Fitzgerald. “You have to be dedicated to getting the job done because it’s up to you and your committee members to make sure this event is successful.”
Many of the events enjoyed here as a York community are a result of student council’s hard work and creativity.
“They enjoy making the school a better place,” said Mr. Moran. “Some of them are athletes, some of them are in other clubs, and I think that’s what makes it fun. We’ve got a lot of great kids that do a lot of different things.”

Rachel Perry is a senior and is excited to be starting her fourth year on staff. She is the editor-in-chief of the yearbook for the upcoming year. At York,...