West Side Story earns IHSMTA Award Nominations
Every year, Broadway in Chicago hosts the Illinois High School Musical Theatre Awards. This year, York Drama’s spring musical, “West Side Story,” received nominations for Best Actress, Best Actor, and Best Musical.

The Best Actress nominees are senior Tatum Langley and junior Carina Kanzler. Langley played Anita in “West Side Story,” and Kanzler played Maria.
“Being in theatre usually affords no way to compete against other schools and IHSMTA, though sometimes controversial as all competitions are, gives the ability for actors and departments to be recognized on a wider scale which is super cool,” said Kanzler. “It’s a huge honor to be nominated.”

Senior Erik Martenson was nominated for Best Actor for his role as Tony in the production.
“Playing Tony allowed me to learn about myself and the world around me, and I am honored to be recognized for this award,” said Martenson.

Along with these nominations, the production as a whole was nominated for Best Musical along with four other productions from schools in the suburbs of Chicago.
“It’s so cool to be able to work with performers from other high schools throughout the state,” said Langley, who has been nominated for the second time. “The opportunity to learn and perform alongside a diverse array of programs is an honor.”

The whole cast and crew is so proud to have been nominated for this award and cannot wait to continue working next year.
“It is wonderful to be recognized for all the work everyone put into this show, and I feel so lucky to be surrounded by so many talented people,” said senior Taylor Millette, who played a Jet girl in the show. “It was such a good last show, and although I’ll miss everyone a lot, I am so happy to have been a part of it.

The IHSMTA competition and awards ceremony will take place on June 5.

Rebecca Rogers is a senior returning for her second year on the York-hi staff. This year, she is very excited to be serving as the Art & Entertainment...