Lady dukes dominate in the pool
On Sat., May 13, York’s varsity water polo team finished their season strong, taking second place at sectionals. Overall this season, their conference record was (4-1).
The only team they lost to in their conference was Lyons Township, an undefeated team that finished first at conference.

However, this success did not come easy. They lost five of their six star players last year, but with hard work, the girls evolved into some of the most persevering and strong players in their conference. To get to where they are, the girls endured grueling practices both before and after school, consisting of difficult tread and swim sets.
“This season– we lost many players last year, and I think we went into this season thinking we would be a mess,” said Senior Maria Rantis. However, we have come out with an even better record than last year! We are doing great and working together really well. The girls work as one team, and with all the time they spend together, the team has become like family.”
These girls motivate each other, so that, in the end, they come together as a team to dominate in the pool. They not only make their coaches proud, but also each other; with all the time spent together, the girls have created a bond that feels like family.
“We wake up at 5 together, take showers together, get ready for school together, suffer tread sets together, win dance offs together, eat pasta together, cry together, feel hungry, tired, sore, wet, and cold together, lose together, and win together,” said senior Amalia Siavelis.
Their hard work, commitment, and passion for this sport really paid off this season. Their accomplishments stem from great coaching and dedication.
Coach Mark Giuliani and Coach Erin Fox have both been coaching this team for four years. This means that they have been coaching and shaping this year’s seniors since their freshman years. Not only did the girls create a bond with each other, but also with their coaches.
Coach Giuliani’s advice to athletes is, “work hard, do what your coach asks, and have fun. You have four years to play high school sports, make the most of them, they go fast.”

Niamh is a sophomore at York. She enjoys playing water polo and swimming here at school. In her free time she loves to go to concerts and listen to music....