This Is York • August 21, 2017 •
Eclipse overshadows typical Monday at York
Photo by Isabelle Dyer
Clouds block the students' view of the solar eclipse during 6th period.
Natural phenomena turned the average Monday into a solar celebration. Despite some pesky cloud cover, the event outshined regular school activities and eclipsed other pressing tasks as students, faculty and staff gathered outside the school to watch this rare scientific event during their sixth and seventh period classes.
Some teachers live- streamed the eclipse on their computers and projected it for their classes, who were unable to go outside due to time constraints or perhaps a lack of the infamous ISO approved glasses. Other students signed out to share watch with their families.
Here are some highlights:
“This is my sociological take on the eclipse: It’s not about experiencing it yourself, its about wanting to experience it because everybody else is experiencing it,” said Mr. Albert, social studies teacher. “So you have to fit in, join the crowd.” Photo by Honey Tey
Seniors Lauren Kjome and Maddie Goetz protect their eyes while viewing the much anticipated eclipse in the senior courtyard. Photo by Eileen King“This is so cool. I love Mother Nature, she moves in mysterious ways.” said Hadley Brown (right), while she viewed the eclipse with fellow Senior May Mann . Photo by Eileen King
Photo by Eileen King “It really makes you think about how small we really are,” said Senior Carina Kanzler.Photo by Eileen King Junior Wilke Macariola (right) and Senior Danielle Fite rest their eyes after looking at the eclipse during their lunch period.
Student gather outside the academic entrance to watch the eclipse. Photo by Matt Fanelli
Senior Joseph Reinhofer looks at the eclipse. Photo by Matt Fanelli
A group of student stand outside at the beginning of seventh period to watch the eclipse. Photo by Honey Tey
Students and teachers wait for the sky to clear. Photo by Matt Fanelli
Mr. Blaus hands out glasses to his seventh period Honors Chemistry class. Photo by Matt Fanelli
Photo by Isabelle Dyer “I think there was a solar eclipse when my mom was a senior in high school,” said senior Cassie Reichert [far right]. “And now I’m a senior in highschool.”Sophomores, Carley Schwartz and Yari Navar watch the eclipse through specialized glasses to protect their eyes.
Students Carina Kanzler and Kate Mueller gaze at the eclipse in front of the auditorium. Photo by Isabelle DyerSenior Joseph Reinhofer looks at the eclipse . Photo by Matt Fanelli
“This is a once in a lifetime thing,” said Chemistry teacher Bob Blaus. “I’m in my mid fifties, and this is the first time I’ve seen it. It’s a pretty special thing.” Photo by Isabelle Dyer