Collage Concert showcases the passion of the York music community
York musicians came together Wednesday night under the fieldhouse roof to share in a night of music and dance. The Collage Concert, held at the beginning of every year, showcases each individual music and performing arts ensemble with a piece they’ve worked on since the beginning of the year.

“I really think that one of the greatest strengths of the department, as many departments around York, are the kids that are involved in this department,” said William Riddle, Performing Arts Department Chair. “I think a big reason that they thrive and enjoy it so much is not only the music making and the opportunities there, but that feeling of community and collaboration. And enjoying each other’s company.”

The sense of community is present through all aspects of the Performing Arts Department, and was felt by both the musicians and directors at the concert. For many, the Collage Concert is their favorite concert of the year.
“My favorite part is seeing the collaboration among all of the departments and the appreciation for all of the arts together,” said Choir Director Rebecca Marianetti. “Everybody gets to see each other and appreciate what everyone else is doing, especially for the younger students to see the older students and look at where they can head to.”
The wide array of performers, from freshman performing in their first concert to seniors beginning their last year, come together to show how their skills are strengthened throughout their music education at York.

“You get to see almost every aspect of the music department,” said Madds Buckley, senior in both Concert Choir and jazz band. “You’re seeing everything that choir, orchestra, and band can do, and you can see the progress from the starting levels to the highest levels… it’s a really cool thing that you get to see everything that is offered for you.”
Along with the traditional three ensembles within band, orchestra, and choir, there are also performances from Advanced Dance, jazz band, and the DUKES Marching Band.

“I love choir but dance was probably my favorite because we got to collaborate with the jazz band and swing dance was different and super cool,” said Junior Ashley Homolka who participated Concert Choir and Advanced Dance.
The Concert Began with a performance by Advanced Dance featuring music by the jazz band, a collaboration that celebrates the theme of different ensembles coming together. Within each ensemble students and directors are also learning how to come together in the new year, only having since August 16 to perfect their pieces and create music with their new ensembles.
“It’s great for each individual group to have such a quick turnaround to have a performance so quickly in the year,” said Music Department Chair Bill Riddle. “I think it really helps motivate the individual groups as well.”

The hard work was evident as all students, staff, and families of the York Performing Arts Department came together to celebrate the community’s strong music community and persistence towards excellence in another showcase of the music department at York.
“It’s a lot of work but in the end it’s all worth it,” said sophomore Matt Hauser, who is a member of both Concert Band and Concert Choir, “because hearing all of the different ensembles and all the work they put into it is just amazing.”

Ellie Ryan is a senior and is so excited for her fourth year on York-hi! This is her second year as Editor-in-Chief, and her third year of being an editor...

Isabelle Dyer is a senior, and this is her first year on staff as Features Editor. She is involved in Drama, Concert Choir, and York Dance Company, so...

Madeleine DeGrace is a senior on staff. This is her fourth year in a journalism class, and she loves it. She is editor in chief of the 100 year yearbook...