York Dance Company auditions dancers for upcoming season
Sept. 27, 2017.
On Wednesday in the black box dance studio, dancers of all grade levels and skill levels gathered after school to audition for the upcoming season of the York Dance Company. With a huge turnout at the audition, dozens of trained dancers and newcomers all prepared to start learning the audition combination.
“I’m kind of blown away to be honest,” said Michelle Jensen, dance teacher. “It brings me so much joy to see how many people want more dance in their lives and I am so grateful to have a position where I can provide that.”
Jensen runs YDC, along with being an instructor for the Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, Urban, and Dance Fitness classes during the school day. Also helping out with YDC this year, the dance program welcomes Ms. Pinta, a student teacher from Illinois State University, along with seniors Danielle Fite and Ella Glabus as the rehearsal assistants.

Senior Rehearsal Assistants, Ella Glabus (left) and Danielle Fite (right) finish the audition combination. Sept. 27, 2017.
“As my fourth year on YDC, I am super excited to be a rehearsal assistant my senior year,” said Fite. “[York Dance Company] actually started when I was a freshman, so seeing freshmen audition today really makes it come full circle for me.”
Many freshmen tried out for a spot in the company, along with upper classmen who have never done it before. York Dance Company includes members from all grades and levels of training.
“I’ve never done any dance in a company, but I thought it would be something fun to try out, especially senior year,” said senior Mariana Cedillo.

Senior Mariana Cedillo stretches in the splits before the audition. Sept. 27, 2017.
For dancers already in the company for past years, they already know what to expect out of being a member, and are looking forward to dancing with their friends and the occasional surprise of donuts.
“YDC is a fun way to express your passion while being with your friends,” said returning senior Nicole Polizzi. “Also we sometimes get donuts in the mornings!”
After Jensen posts the finalized list of dancers, YDC will start rehearsals Saturday September 30th and begin friday morning preparations for the Dance Concert on November 7th. A new, exciting opportunity this year gives the dancers the chance to learn a piece from a guest choreographer from Giordano Dance, and participate in the Giordano show at Barrington High School in January.
Second semester will bring in student choreographers, giving students the chance to show off their choreography skills in the March Showcase. The unique student choreography aspect not only allows YDC students to dance, but to also teach and use their own visions in creating pieces.

Dance teacher Mrs. Jensen (left) and student teacher Ms. Pinta (right) are excited about the turnout for YDC auditions. Sept. 27, 2017.
“That’s what YDC is all about; giving students the opportunity to move, create, and learn from one another,” said Jensen.

Isabelle Dyer is a senior, and this is her first year on staff as Features Editor. She is involved in Drama, Concert Choir, and York Dance Company, so...