Musical matchmaker
Popular musicians and their lesser known counterparts
We all find artists that we fall in love with, so why not fall in love some more? Here are four popular musicians accompanied by lesser known (but equally as awesome) artists with similar musical styles.
If you like the 1975, listen to by Bacchanal Party

With similar thick-accented crooning, the parallels between the 1975 and Bacchanal Party are striking. Each band produces music with an energy that can be translated into both party anthems and power ballads.
If you like Chance the Rapper, listen to Sam Stan

Chicago’s own Chance the Rapper is known for the positivity within his lyrics, and the same goes for Sam Stan, an emcee with a passion for all things happy. Both Chance and Sam have many allusions to family and religion within their bars, making their rhymes all the more personal.
If you like Mac DeMarco, listen to Boys Age

Mac DeMarco is famous for two things: his gapped grin and his knack for creating music with a perfect beachy aesthetic. Boys Age is much alike, using a guitar to simulate a sound similar to that of a ukulele. These tunes are foolproof background music for mellowing down.
If you like The Chainsmokers, listen to Ookay

The combination of EDM music and powerful vocals within these artist’s repertoire create a fun, joyful, and exhilarating vibration within the listener. Both The Chainsmokers and Ookay’s songs can be applied to a dance party and to everyday life, for the lyrics of the songs are about romance while the synthesizers included in the pieces can certainly get a crowd riled up.
You’ll find a playlist showcasing all of these artists on our new Spotify account!
Check us out – our username is thisisyork.

Eileen is a senior, and this is her first year on staff. She's super stoked to be able to report on the amazing people and events going on at the greatest...