York High School: A family affair
It’s not unheard of for students to go to school with their siblings, but it’s a little less common (and a little more weird) going to school with your parents! From seeing their kids in the halls during passing periods to coaching their children in after school athletics, the parents of York are able to be by their kid’s side throughout their whole high school journey, for better or for worse. A few students gave the inside scoop on what sharing a workplace with their mom or dad is really like.

Raeba Pradhan and her mom, York guidance counselor Mrs. Feldkamp-Pradhan, on vacation in France.
Raeba Pradhan, Freshman
“It is embarrassing sometimes, but it’s kind of nice sharing the school with my mom. If I want to talk to her, or I need food or money, I can just go down to her office. Also if I need quotes from students or teachers [or newspaper], my mom can help me with people she knows or works with. [She] helps kids that are struggling, need to talk, she informs students about college and guides them on how they can get to where they want to go.”

Mrs. Marianetti, choir and drama director, and her daughter, Abigail Marianetti show off their matching outfits.
Abigail Marianetti, Sophomore
“I love sharing the school with my mom! If I forget anything, she can get it for me and it’s really nice seeing her in the middle of the day. [She]conducts me in orchestra which is pretty awesome, and she also gets really excited when she sees me in the hall. My mom teaches choir and directs the musicals/plays and overall contributes a lot to the performing arts community at York.”
Ben Pavlik, Junior

Ben Pavlik and his dad, band director Mr. Pavlik, jam out on some guitars.
“It is pretty fun going to school with my dad, he is a super chill guy. He makes it clear that he is not going to treat me any differently because we are related.Sometimes I talk to my dad in the halls in between classes and sometimes passing kids who don’t know we are related give us weird looks because we talk like we do at home. [My dad] wants [students] to be involved and make a difference in the community with music. He wants the best out of every student because music is such an important part of everyone’s life, even if you’re not planning to pursue it as a career.”
Charlie Kern, Senior

(From left): Sophomore Ethan Kern, Senior Charlie Kern, Social Studies teacher and track coach Mr. Kern, and Emma Kern take a family picture.
“It’s definitely different how he is a part of many aspects of my life. I see him in the halls at school, lots of my friends have him as a teacher, and he’s the head coach of the two sports that I participate in. Then I go home and have dinner
with him. It’s just kind of weird how much he is around. I’m thankful I always have someone to talk to about running, and I know he helps me as well as many other athletes and students throughout York.”

Eileen is a senior, and this is her first year on staff. She's super stoked to be able to report on the amazing people and events going on at the greatest...