This week we travel to Peru, where Arie is excited to get to know his final three “on a whole new level”.
Kendall’s Date
First up is Kendall, who is feeling “a lot of pressure” to say she’s ready to accept a proposal (if Arie chooses her at the end). “If Arie proposed to me today, I’d probably say no,” she admits. But what if he proposes to her in four to six days? Well, that might be a whole different story. Kendall, you know you have a choice in this, right? Has anyone told her she doesn’t have to marry Arie?
Anyway, the date consists of riding around in a dune buggy because, have you heard? Arie’s into cars. Of course, Arie is ready with a painful metaphor: “Dune buggying is like a relationship: there’s ups and downs and it’s scary, but also so exciting”. They do seem to have a really good time together, and if they were dating under normal circumstances, I think they’d probably have a good shot as a couple. But as we all know, nothing about The Bachelor is normal.

Going into the evening portion of the date, Kendall tells us she won’t do the fantasy suite if she doesn’t feel ready for a proposal. We hear Kendall in voice over tearfully declaring that she feels like Arie is her “best friend,” and beating herself up for maybe not being “ready” to get engaged in a few days. She’s also concerned that Arie may think of her as a “novelty” and not real wife material. Arie doesn’t offer much in the form of reassurance, beyond saying he’s “okay” with the taxidermy and he thinks they’re “a good fit for each other.” Kendall seems flattered by that, though, because she admits she’s falling in love with him and accepts the fantasy suite. I guess she is ready for a proposal.
The next morning, Arie and Kendall reveal that they were up all night talking about things like how they take their egg, so the important stuff. Before he heads out to get ready for date number 2, the Bachelor tells Kendall that he’s “definitely” falling in love with her, too.
Lauren’s Date
Kendall and Arie’s time together must come to end because Arie has a date with Lauren B., or Lauren Boring as I like to call her. She tells us she’s stressed out, but you’d never know because her expression never changes.
For their date, Arie and Lauren take a plane to look at the Nazca Lines and not talk. “Sometimes, it does feel like there’s a wall up,” notes our perceptive Bachelor. “I’d really just love for Lauren to soak all this in and not be in her head so much.” Arie can sense Lauren’s in her head, and when they’re back on land she admits she keeps pulling back because she’s afraid she’ll get hurt; she just wishes those pesky “other girls” would go away so she could feel secure in her relationship with Arie. (Say it with me now: YOU ARE ON THE BACHELOR!)

Arie’s concerned, and not just about Lauren’s doubts: If he has to spend their whole time together reassuring her, that’s time lost getting to know each other. Over dinner, Arie once again goes into reassurance mode. It doesn’t really look like Lauren’s buying it, so Arie breaks out the big guns: “I do feel confident in all this, because I love you.”
“I was just so happy to hear that,” she says blankly. “I just want you know that I love you, too.” Okay then, the Fantasy Suite awaits! (Also: If Arie doesn’t pick Lauren, this whole “I love you” thing is going to be real awkward for his final lady to watch.)
In the morning., Arie and Lauren take their time lounging around in their pajamas and exchanging “I love you’s” before he has to leave for his date with Becca.
Becca’s Date
For their date, they take a catamaran to Ballestas Island to look at birds. Arie says his relationship with Becca is “the safest, most comfortable” one he has, while internally Becca frets about how to tell Arie she loves him. As they sail, Arie and Becca discuss logistics of how their long-distance relationship would work and how soon she’d move to Scottsdale to be with him.

Dinner takes place in a tent in the middle of the desert, and even though Becca has never said “I love you” first in a relationship, tonight she spits out the l-bomb. And just to make things extra complicated, the Bachelor returns the statement, telling Becca that he’s no longer just “falling” in love, he’s in love with her. “There’s a part of me that wants to end this now, and propose here in the sand dunes,” the Bachelor exclaims.
So, to recap, Arie is in love with Becca and Lauren but only “falling for” Kendall. I guess we know how this episode will end… After a night in the Fantasy Tent, Becca and Arie eat their breakfast on a blanket in the sand, and tell each other “I love you” over and over again. “Nothing can get in the way at all,” gushes Becca.
Knock, knock, knock…
There’s an ex boyfriend at the door! “I’m Ross,” he tells Arie, when the Bachelor opens the door. “I’m Becca’s ex.” Without waiting for an invite, Ross enters Arie’s room and asks if they can “chat for a second.” Apparently he didn’t realize this show ended in a proposal until “somebody told me,” so he’s here to try to win her back. “I’da swam here if I had to,” he continues. “I came here to get her, because she’s the one for me.”
When the ex knocks on her door, Becca’s immediate reaction is, “No, like, no what are you doing here?” She won’t even let him into her room. “I feel like you’re not excited to see me,” he replies, his sad “take me back” bouquet dangling limply from his hand. “You’re holding on to, like, a shred of hope that we had years ago,” she says.

Finally, it sinks in. “I wish you guys the best. I have no business being here,” Ross mutters, before sadly walking away. (I hope he at least gets some sightseeing in before he goes!)
Rose Ceremony

Arie’s still conflicted, but when he gets to the rose ceremony he pulls Kendall aside (again) this time to break up with her. “I don’t think we can get there,” he tells her. She takes it surprisingly well—a full tear isn’t shed until she gets in the car. “It means a lot that you’ve been in my life,” she says sadly. “I love being around you.”

Having walked Kendall to the reject SUV, Arie returns to his final two and hands them each a rose. The only thing left for Arie to do is introduce Becca and Lauren to his family, choose one of them, and live happily ever after. What could possibly go wrong?
Next week on The Bachelor: Arie feels guilty! Somebody’s crying! Three hours left!