Spread the word to end the word
Best Buddies members advertise the pledge banners, bracelets, and stickers to support the R Word Campaign.
Every year Best Buddies campaigns for the elimination of the R word, but this year it was different from the rest. Throughout the week of March 5, Best Buddies set up a table in the commons with two banners that students could sign pledging to stop use of the R word, and sold bracelets and stickers.

One of the R Word Campaign pledge banners Best Buddies had displayed in the Commons.
Students were encouraged to sign one of the two, or both of, the banners in the commons to pledge that they will refrain from the use of the R word. Club members made the banners to spread awareness about the ‘R Word Campaign’ to other York students who may not be familiar with the campaign.
“The creation of the banners allowed all students to realize that they are a part of a greater community at York that revolves around inclusion and mutual understanding, and you don’t have to be in Best Buddies to make a difference,” junior and Best Buddies Chapter Vice President Ben Airdo said.
Best Buddies started selling bracelets and stickers designed by sophomore and club coordinator Maddy McGreal as a way to raise money for the club’s participation in the Best Buddies Annual Friendship Walk, and to raise awareness for the ‘R Word Campaign’.
“Best Buddies hosts a friendship walk every year and we just thought having bracelet and sticker sales would not only be the perfect way to raise money for that but spread awareness,” senior and Best Buddies Chapter President Nibia Joseph said. “We were already planning on having a station where students could pledge to eliminate the use of the R word so it was the perfect opportunity.”

One of the pledge banners with the stickers and bracelets for sale supporting Best Buddies.
With Best Buddies being an international organization, the York Best Buddies Chapter has received extreme amounts of support from York and the administration, and the entire Best Buddies International Community.
“The R word campaign has taken place at York before, but I think this year’s was definitely the most successful,” Joseph said.
Be sure to look out for and support the upcoming campaigns and projects sponsored by Best Buddies in the future!

Isabelle Downey is a senior and has been on staff for the past three years. This year, she is the Editor-in-Chief of Y's Tales. She is involved in YTV,...