York-hi presents the Prom proposal conteset

Seniors dance the night away at 2017 Prom held at the Museum of Science and Industry.

Hey Dukes! It’s prom season and you know what that means: prom proposal contest! York-hi is holding a prom proposal contest where you and your prom date could win two free post prom ticket! Here is how to enter-


  1. Post your prom proposal on Instagram
  2. Follow us @this_is_york on Instagram
  3. Tag us in the photo
  4. Use the hashtag #yorkpromproposal2k18


To win

  1. The top three couples who have followed these guidelines and have the most likes at 6:00 PM on Monday, April 23 will be chosen as finalists
  2. The three finalists will be posted on thisisyork.org at 7:00 PM on Monday, April 23 where voting will be open to students to choose the best prom proposal
  3. Voting will end Wednesday, April 25 at 6:00 PM
  4. If we have reason to believe that students are buying likes, you will be disqualified


*You will buy your own post prom tickets, and if you win, York-hi will reimburse you.*


Good luck and go Dukes!