Under the Monocle: President Mollie Grasse advocates school unity
Photo courtesy of Mollie Grasse
In a lacrosse game against Naperville North, Mollie Grasse is determined to get the ball from the other team.
Many people around York know Mollie Grasse as a person who goes above and beyond the norm. Involved in a multitude of clubs and activities ranging from math team to lacrosse to even drumline, Mollie Grasse does it all. Not to mention, her motivation and determination drives her to continuously achieve the challenging goals she frequently sets for herself. Recently, Mollie has accomplished yet another feat, this time quite monumental.
Last May, our student council representatives elected Mollie Grasse to be York’s student body president for the 2018-2019 school year. An honored position loaded with responsibility, Grasse is eager to take on this role.
“Mollie is very enthusiastic, innovative, and all around a fun student,” Mollie’s junior and senior year math teacher Mrs. Briggs said. “I think she will be a good fit for president because she’ll be really receptive to new ideas and creative ways of solving problems.”

Mollie is a unique person with an unparalleled way of thinking. She has a different approach to problem-solving which combines with her dedication to a very efficient and effective work ethic.
“I always have a growth mindset, and I always want to see things improving,” Grasse said. “I know that as student body president I will always being looking for growth for not only Student Council, but the entire community of the school.”
Impacting the community is a focal point for Mollie’s presidency. Overall, she wants York to be more involved with each other. She wants there to be more communication and unity across all clubs and also within student council.
“I would like to create situations where people that want to get to know others outside of their environment are able to,” Grasse said. “That can be something informal like a club hosted picnic where students can meet people from other clubs, or it can be something more formal like an entire school forum in the auditorium where people can share their views on what they think should be happening with the school.”
It is important for Mollie to bring together the York community because she is constantly experiencing the diverse ways of our school. Through the many activities she participates in, Mollie is able to see many perspectives of York life. To name a few, Mollie is involved in sports like lacrosse and golf, activities like science olympiad, math team, and model UN, and is even invested in music by being a part of percussion in band. She prioritizes experiencing as much as possible, so when faced with the conflict sophomore year of a schedule change forcing her to choose between Student Council and marching band, in the spirit of trying everything once, she went for marching band. This tough decision was lead by her never ending desire to be involved in as much as possible.
“All of these clubs, activities, and sports have allowed me to be immersed in different kinds of diverse communities,” Grasse said. “It has allowed me to appreciate the entire school and all of the different people that are in it. As president, I want to be the voice of the student body, and the more types of people I understand, the better I can help them in their own ways.”

Not only is it vital for Mollie to be connected with the people of York, but is also necessary for her to have a passion for her job.
“If I’m passionate about something, I will throw myself into that area,” Grasse said. “I will put as much time, effort, and energy as I need to get the job done.”
Mollie has many qualities that qualify her for this position. She is hardworking, determined, and highly inventive. Her personality is uplifting and encouraging. Overall, many consider her a leader. Last May, in Springfield at the Student Council State Convention, Mollie was a Round Table Monitor. There, she spoke in front of over 70 students from all over the State, a task that may discourage most. To her content, she received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from these complete strangers.
“I try my best to be as engaged with the people I’m talking to,” Grasse said. “I know if I’m engaged as a speaker I’m more likely to receive the attention from the people I’m talking to.”
Mollie never misses an opportunity to capitalize on inspiration. In the spur of the moment during the convention, Mollie was found, notebook and pen in hand, rapidly writing her speech for election day – weeks before the election was even to take place.
“I was so happy – I had been anticipating this speech and this election for a while,” Grasse said. “I knew regardless of whether I was going to win or lose, I was just so excited to share my ideas with my peers.”

Mollie Grasse along with her SMART team teammates attend the Argonne National Laboratory.
Mollie has also stressed the great impact York’s previous student body presidents have been on her. She has always thought of the position with much honor and respect, and she has always seen these leaders as a personal role model.
“When I was a freshman, Grace Achepohl was always on top of everything in Student Council,” Grasse said. “She made me feel so welcomed in a new school. I just knew I wanted to be in her position someday and make the incoming freshmen, as well as the entire school, feel comfortable.”
This school year, Mollie hopes she too can be the role model she has always looked up to. However, students already admire her and value her leadership.
“She’s not only a really great leader but she’s also really personable,” sophomore and student council representative Ava Uditsky said. “She understands other people and I think that allows her to lead more effectively.”
Mollie is very capable for this significant position. There is no doubt she will work her hardest to ensure quality function within York.
“As student body president I want to be the voice of the entire student body,” Grasse said. “I want to improve the network of our school, and I want to make everyone connected.”

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