York cheer brings the heat to their routine during the pep rally showcase. (Gracie Weinstein)
York cheer brings the heat to their routine during the pep rally showcase.

Gracie Weinstein

Dukes get riled up during the centennial homecoming pep rally

September 28, 2018

With students pooling into the Green and White Gym, York High School prepared for yet another great pep rally, this year taking on the task of celebrating York’s 100th birthday. As a Duke, you’re most likely familiar with the overwhelming but smile inducing boom of the marching band and the jaw dropping choreography the poms and cheer teams bring to the floor each year. Most importantly, every Duke knows that the energy and spirit of York’s pep rallies can not be replicated anywhere else, and this year did not disappoint.

To open the afternoon bash, marching band started by playing a few pieces, the most prominent one being our school’s fight song. While the pep rally and all of its glorious noises may still be somewhat new to some, it’s a final goodbye for others.

“[I’m] kind of depressed, don’t talk about it,” senior Kelly Kruczynski said, a member of York’s marching band clarinet section.

Shortly after the band’s performance, Mrs. Deluga, Mr. Wagner, and Mollie Grasse, student body president, stood up to speak to the eager ears of York’s students. Talking about their pride in the school and the continuous love that York shows for its students and staff, our academic leaders began the rally of school spirit.

“I’m excited for the entire school to be unified in both school spirit and a central desire to beat Willowbrook,” student body president Mollie Grasse said. “I have seen such phenomenal school spirit this week.”

Following the strong words from our school’s leaders, including our football captains Joe Goehl and Josh Mathiasen, Mollie Grasse began awarding the departments, clubs, and homecoming proposals for best school spirit and decorated hallways. 

One of the highlights of the rally was when Grasse announced the winners of the 2018-2019 King/Queen Of The Couch competition: Duke It Out.

“We weren’t expecting to win at all,” said Camille Steahly, member of Duke It Out, “we just tried to go to events when we could. Even if we hadn’t won, the competition was so much fun and the other groups, we just had such a blast with them.”

To wrap up the afternoon’s performances, York’s cheer team showcased their spectacular routine followed by the poms state-winning performance skills, driving the school spirit even further. 

“I’m stoked,” said Amanda Gorski, a senior member of the dance team, “it’s a great chance to bring school spirit among my classmates. I love the smiles on everyone’s faces tonight.”

Once all of the excitement died down, York finished off the event by announcing their centennial celebration present to the school, a new take on our classic Duke mascot.

With homecoming week coming to an end, it’s been anything but boring. As York students hustle home for pre-game events and get bundled up in their green and white apparel to help cheer on the football players, York prepares for yet another amazing Homecoming dance tomorrow evening.

“Monocle nation, we need you out in full force tonight,” head coach Michael Fitzpatrick said, “we’ve got Willowbrook coming in 5-0, we need to make sure they leave 5-1 tonight.”

Hope to see you all there!

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