Speech team novices prepare to take on their first tournament
October 27, 2018
As the weather cools down and the leaves start to fall, the York Speech Team is ready to whip out their suits and practice their articulation in preparation for the first tournament of the season..
This Saturday the York speech team will be attending the Homewood Flossmoor Novice Invitational, a tournament specifically for new speech members to get their feet wet at the beginning of the competition season. In the weeks leading up to the tournament, the whole team pitched in to make sure the novices are ready to perform by hosting a “mock tournament”. The tournament simulated what novices can expect at their first competition

The coaches prepare their competitors for the upcoming season
“The mock tournament was a great experience and helped me learn how tournaments work” said junior Sean Solem, a dramatic duet acting competitor. “It was really fun to get to see people perform all the other events as well, it gave me some insight into the other events work. I’m just really excited for the season to start.”
At the mock tournament, the novices were introduced to many confusing aspects of tournaments, including finding your classrooms, memorizing your competition code, and general tournament etiquette.
“I was very confused about the rounds of competition,” said freshman Nathan Lee, a humorous duet acting novice. “I didn’t really know how they worked or where to go, but the varsity team cleared it up for me. I’m glad I’m not going into my first tournament not knowing what to do.”

Last year’s team, now varsity members, at a tournament
The varsity team is very involved in helping the new speech team members get ready and are dedicated to helping mentor those who are new to the team. Varsity members judged the mock tournament and gave encouragement and advice to the competitors. Throughout the season, senior members will continue to work one on one with the novices and share their experiences and the new members are incredibly grateful.
“With the mock tournament and everything, them being the judges, it’s been really helpful” freshman Owen Espinosa, a humorous duet acting competitor said. “They’ve helped me with my event so much and it’s really nice. I’m super thankful for their advice.”
Last year the novice team took home first place as a team at the invitational, and this year’s competitors are anxious for a repeat performance. After seeing their teammates performance this past Saturday, everyone is extremely optimistic and excited for the tournament .
“I think we’re going to do very well,” said freshman speech member Grace Stewart. “I’ve heard a lot of people perform and I thought everyone was very on top of things, memorized, and polished. I can’t wait to start the season.”