Six out of the eight board members gathered at Brewpoint Coffee to discuss future plans for their new club. (Photo Courtesy of @yorkfashionclub on Instagram )
Six out of the eight board members gathered at Brewpoint Coffee to discuss future plans for their new club.

Photo Courtesy of @yorkfashionclub on Instagram

Fashion Club comes to York

January 5, 2019

As students prepare to make their heavy black parka a staple piece for the next three months, a group of eight students are preparing to introduce York’s first fashion club in recent years. This club will separate themselves from the fashion section of FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America), by solely focusing on the appreciation of both modern and vintage fashion pieces.

“I think it’s a necessity for York,” senior Delaney Tase said. “Unlike many other interests, it’s a lot harder at York for people interested in fashion to show off their passions and share it with others, but this club is a great way to connect with people who share a common interest.”

The club will become one of the many sponsored by The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising. FIDM is a college spread out through California dedicated to shaping the future names behind fashion production. However, since the college believes in showcasing fashion not just as pieces of clothing but pieces of art, they have devoted a portion of their work to sponsoring high school clubs all around the nation. FIDM provides high school fashion clubs with supplies, opportunities, and even scholarships in order to spread their love for this art form.

“They (FIDM) have guided us into creating our club at York and helped us succeed so far by providing us with necessary materials, tons of information, and helpful guides,” Co-President Madison Mcgreal said.

Photo Courtesy of @yorkfashionclub on Instagram

Presidents Grace Moriarty and Madison Mcgreal create aesthetically pleasing collages (like the one above) to pull in fellow fashionistas.

Presidents Grace Moriarty and Maddy Mcgreal began their hunt for their board members last May. After putting an application out and beginning their Instagram account they found 6 students whose love for fashion stood out. Delaney Tase, Elysia Woodward, Piper Michalski, Emma Johnson, Michael Regan, and Annika Tourlas will be standing along Moriarty and Mcgreal at the first meeting in hopes to further shape the fashion

“Grace Moriarty and I chose the other board members by having them apply,” Mcgreal said. “We chose each position based on experience and passion. We also looked at what grade each applicant was in so we knew we will have equal representation in each grade as well as someone who will be able to run it when we graduate.”

The clubs goal is to not compete with FCCLA but sit alongside it as both clubs embrace the talent within the fashion industry both in and outside of York. Event Coordinator Piper Michalski will be bringing her talent of sewing to the club showcasing the many pieces she has created over the years.  Board members Emma Johnson and Madison Mcgreal work with the costume department for plays and musicals at York, to prove their love for this art form.

“When I was seven I went to a boutique and saw they were selling applique t-shirts,” Michalski said. “I thought it was awesome and wanted to be able to do that myself. That year I got a sewing machine and fell in love with it.”

Photo Courtesy of @yorkfashionclub on Instagram
Co-President Grace Moriarty and Public Relation Coordinator Annika Tourlas strike a pose to show off their throwback outfits during Spirit Week.

After getting approved by Assistant Principal Drew McGuire the club has come to a consensus on what their future plans will be. To reduce any additional stress before finals the club will be having their first meaning right after winter break. The meeting will consist of an introduction of the board members, an explanation of the clubs goal, and a dive into possible events or projects the club will be taking on. If you are interested in learning more about what goes on in the fashion industry or you simply wish to meet people who share your love for fashion this club will be the one for you.

“We want the club to be something that people are excited to go to,” Moriarty said. “We have already seen interests in the club during its formative months, so we are excited to see that there are others within the school who have the same passion as us.”

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