Bachelor Nation’s face after this episode. (Photo courtesy of USA Today.)
Bachelor Nation’s face after this episode.

Photo courtesy of USA Today.

Bachelor Episode 4: One Night in Singapore

February 1, 2019

The fifteen girls who have survived rose ceremonies so far were greeted by Chris Harrison (who is currently dating someone).  Harrison talked to the girls specifically calling out Caelynn, oh wait he meant Hannah B.–OUCH! The bad news was delivered that there would be no date that day because The Bachelor was traveling to SINGAPORE, a location no Bachelor has been before.

One on One Date

The first one-on-one date card was addressed to Tayshia: “Let’s fall in love. ” Colton and Tayshia made their way to a beach. Tayshia hoped the date card had something to do with waterfalls, but she was way off. In reality, they were going bungee jumping off the side of a building that was one thousand feet up. Colton went first after a kiss from Tayshia.  Nothing about this looked safe; the harness looked like it could have slipped right off. Colton screamed like a little girl, but Tayshia conquered the jump with class. After basically jumping to her death, Tayshia really deserved a rose.

The nighttime portion of their date was spent on a private deck overlooking the city. Tayshia opened up about her past. She married her first boyfriend, and after six years of being together, they got a divorce. Colton gave her the rose at the end of the date after she opened up about her past and conquered her fears.  The date was capped off with a very romantic Ferris wheel ride complete with romantic music–Tayshia said she can definitely see herself falling in love with Colton!

Group Date

Second date card went to Hannah G., Elyse, Kirpa, Sydney, Heather, Oneyka, Tracy, Nicole, Demi, Courtney, Katie, Cassie, and Hannah B.: “Let’s get a taste of Singapore.” Kicked off in a street market in Singapore where Demi was all over Colton; he gave her a piggyback ride as she was trying to turn this group date in a one on one. Colton and the girls visited the Leech Lady (what were you thinking ABC?!), but the real star of the show Colton’s back sweat.

Colton and Cassie got an interesting fortune from a fortune teller, and the date finished with one horror after another: bullfrog, pig feet, and fish eyes, oh my!

The group date rose loomed on the table of the largest group date so far as the girls lied saying, “Oh yes this date was amazing.” Eating super gross food and getting the blood sucked out your bodies is really just the ideal date. Hannah B. stole Colton first and they talked about how hard last week was for her, but their time ended with a kiss so she must be safe for at least the next week.

Cassie joked about the fortune teller and their past life relationship–brother and sister (Creepy), but

jokes aside she still managed to get romantic music and a kiss. Courtney could not stop talking about her stress and lack of confidence and how she was very frustrated that she did not get a lot of time with Colton–she put in zero effort to go talk with him though. Demi talked about the other side of her and opened up about her mom being released from federal prison–Colton’s face said it all: Crazy runs in the family! Courtney and Demi got into it ending with Demi flipping Courtney off as she stormed out. The group date rose went to Demi and Courtney was irked.

Photo courtesy of OnMilwaukee
Demi throwing shade at Courtney with a rose in hand.

Second One on One

The last date in Singapore went to Caelynn and the card said, “I’ve been waiting for this special day for so long. Meet me downstairs-Colton”. The couple drove around in a private car and went to a bunch of stores where Caelynn got to try on A TON of clothes and then got to keep them ALL. Colton was very sweet as he encouraged her trying on clothes, and they looked like a real couple together. Caelynn came home with about twenty shopping bags and was greeted by many looks of jealousy and fake smiles.

Caelynn wore a gorgeous green dress to the nighttime portion of the date. She opened up about how four years ago when she was a sophomore in college her and two friends’ drinks were drugged, and she woke up with no memory of the night before except of a guy in her bed. She and two friends were sexually assaulted, but only one of their assailants was expelled. After it all happened, she tried to get a rape kit at a hospital but was turned away. After finding a second hospital who would do it, the results were inconclusive because so much time had passed.  Colton promised safety to Caelynn and the two of them shared this intimate walkway as Caelynn secured the rose.

Photo courtesy of Entertainment Weekly
Colton comforted Caelynn after she opened up about her dark past.

Cocktail Party

Hannah G. was VERY intimate with Colton as she revealed how she was nervous about opening up to him. Caelynn wore a dress from her date with Colton before grabbing Hannah B. for a sec. They finally both apologized and sealed the deal with a big hug. Demi spilled drama about Courtney to Colton calling Courtney “the cancer of the house” and claiming she was attacked and verbally abusive towards her. Colton was completely blindsided, but good old ABC producers sent Courtney in to interrupt them. Colton confessed to Courtney what Demi said to Colton behind her back.  Courtney fired back saying Demi was only here for the TV time and to hopefully get a FitTea deal out of it. Yet, Courtney barely got a hug and no kiss so the rose ceremony looked quite rough for her.

Rose Ceremony  

With only ten roses to give out, two relationships were doomed. Bachelor Nation said goodbye to both Tracy and Courtney, Demi’s worst enemies!

The promo provided a beautiful Thailand scene, two one-on-one dates, Hannah B. saying she’s falling in love, a mistake from Elyse, a girl in Colton’s bed, and Colton walking to the beach like Zac Efron in “Bet on It” from High School Musical 2. You can BET ON a great recap next week!

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