Having no life– it’s your “Destiny”

(Image Courtesy of Wikipedia)

Bungie’s newest video game release “Destiny” has gotten a lot of publicity lately because of its massive ad campaign and anticipation of the millions of people who have been dying to get their hands on it. Even if you just played the semi-open beta in July, you probably have invested the sixty dollars necessary for the lifesucking, coma-enducing awesomeness that is Bungie’s “Destiny.”

“Destiny” is a first person shooter role playing game set in a post-apocalyptic Earth after the Golden age of Space exploration ends in catastrophe brought on by the mysterious “Darkness.”

In “Destiny,” the player is a venerable guardian of the Last City on earth, the last bastion of humanity and civilization in the solar system. The player’s job is to team up with other guardians (other players) and stop the darkness from snuffing out the last bastion of civilization.

Destiny is basically a hybrid of all the memorable and fun first person games of the Xbox 360/ PS3 era. It is similar to 2K’s “Borderlands” franchise (which is renowned for its cooperative multiplayer) in the aspect that it was meant to be played with friends. Nothing beats the feeling of coolness when you and your friends all decide to do a mission together.

“Destiny” also draws from the gameplay and customization of the “Halo” series that Bungie also created because the player can customize the guardian’s appearance. The gameplay style is also similar to Halo’s.

Overall, “Destiny” is an amazing game because of its feeling of enormity and is just an extremely fun game that any fan of video games would enjoy. The shortcomings of this game are nominal, and its achievements are great.