York students to hold global climate strike
September 19, 2019
Elmhurst residents have organized a climate strike tonight at the Elmhurst Presbyterian Church as a part of an international movement demanding policies to combat climate change.
On Friday, students all over the world in at least 150 countries will participate in strikes organized by Swedish sixteen-year-old, Greta Thunberg. Elmhurst will hold their strike the evening before at 5 p.m.
“The purpose of the climate strike is to bring Elmhurst residents together and demonstrate that the community cares about climate change and other environmental issues,” senior and environmental activist Nick Mastro said. “We want people to contact their officials and urge action. “
The event will be led and was organized by York students. There will be guest speakers, including York teacher and volleyball coach Patty Iverson, the Environmental Committee Chairman of DuPage County Liz Chaplain, and Dan Hebreard, the DuPage County Forest Preserve President.
“We have seven guest speakers who are very engaging and informative. They all know a lot about the climate crisis,” Mastro said. “We will also have information tables for environmental and political groups.”
Students will be able to learn more about the impacts and repercussions of climate change, as well as ways they can reduce their carbon footprints. This will be an important step to fighting the climate crisis.
“It’s your future. Your future has to carry this incredible burden that my generation messed up and didn’t listen,” Iverson said. “It’s not a dire doomsday, but let’s get a move on right now and educate kids to make those changes moving forward.”