Director Rebecca Mariannetti wanted to focus on the theme of empathy in “Twelfth Night”. The universal fear of vulnerability is portrayed in “Is This Not Love”. “You never really know what it feels like to be somebody else,” co-director Rebecca Mariannetti said. “We’re in a high school situation where people are carrying around a lot of baggage and a lot of issues and it’s easy to think ‘oh this person has it all together’ or ‘this kid is this way or that way’; almost 100% of the time we’re wrong about that.” (photo by Lucy Valeski)
Director Rebecca Mariannetti wanted to focus on the theme of empathy in “Twelfth Night”. The universal fear of vulnerability is portrayed in “Is This Not Love”. “You never really know what it feels like to be somebody else,” co-director Rebecca Mariannetti said. “We’re in a high school situation where people are carrying around a lot of baggage and a lot of issues and it’s easy to think ‘oh this person has it all together’ or ‘this kid is this way or that way’; almost 100% of the time we’re wrong about that.”

photo by Lucy Valeski

Shakespeare reimagined in York Drama’s production of Twelfth Night

October 31, 2019

This past weekend, York drama performed “Twelfth Night”, their first production of the season. The musical was an adaptation of the Shakespeare play of the same name, and the cast focused on the theme of empathy throughout the rehearsal process.

“Twelfth Night” is about a woman who ends up shipwrecked on an unknown island. She believes her brother is dead, so she disguises as him in order to be hired as an assistant for the Duke Orsino. In her disguise, she discovers love and self-respect.


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