Assistant Principal for Athletics/Athletic Director, Rob Wagner, speaks about the gratitude the whole school feels after donations from the Athletic Boosters. (Photo by Jake Hansmann)
Assistant Principal for Athletics/Athletic Director, Rob Wagner, speaks about the gratitude the whole school feels after donations from the Athletic Boosters.

Photo by Jake Hansmann

York Athletic Boosters “Green Scene” proves to be successful once again

March 3, 2020

Participating in the West Suburban Conference, finding success isn’t just on the shoulders of the athletes, but rather a program-wide effort. This past Sat., Feb. 31, the York Athletic Boosters held their annual “Green Scene” event, a night consisting of food, bowling, a silent auction and much more. 

The end goal of this event is to raise money for the boosters to allow them to do what they do best; support all aspects of athletics at York. At the “Green Scene,” the Boosters raised more than $90,000, with all proceeds going towards their aid of York Athletics. 

“In regards to athletic facilities and playing in the West Suburban Conference, which everyone knows is one of the toughest conferences in the state, our student-athletes to compete in this conference day in and day out and we need to constantly upgrade our facilities and our equipment to meet the needs of our ever-changing student-athletes in order to compete,” Athletic Director Rob Wagner said. 

On top of providing new equipment for teams around the school, the boosters do their best to ensure each and every athlete that walks through the doors at York has all the necessary resources to become successful. 

“The best thing about the Boosters is that they always put the York athlete first,” Varsity Wrestling Coach Nick Metcalf said. “No matter what program, no matter what sport it is, they put the York Duke athlete first.”

From a coach’s perspective, it is almost expected to have the necessary equipment to have their teams compete on a daily basis. 

“Being a two-sport athlete, I really appreciate the time they put in each and every sport, not just one specific sport,” varsity basketball and softball athlete Sydney Fuglsang said. “So they don’t focus their time only on football or only on basketball, they focus their time equally on every sport.” 

With great resources and success comes lots of gratuity towards those who are able to make it happen. 

“I feel as if I am getting a college experience in athletics in high school,” varsity football and wrestling athlete Josh Mathiasen said. “Without [the Athletic Boosters] we wouldn’t have that.”

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