DIY Halloween Costumes
It’s the night before Halloween and you’ve just been invited to go to a costume party by one of your friends, and you’re scrambling around to find something to wear.
You’ve tried just about everything, but nothing seems to look right. If you’ve ever been in this position or feel like you will be this Halloween, then you’re in luck, as I will provide some fantastic, cheap costume ideas.
• The Classic Cat – Dress in all black, grab some eyeliner and draw on some whiskers and a nose. Run to your nearest Party City and buy a pair of cheap cat ears and you’re set.
• Where’s Waldo? – Get a red and white shirt, some fake glasses, and a red beanie. If you’re a girl, you can be Waldo’s “girlfriend”.
• Blow up a ton of purple balloons and tape them all over yourself – You’re grapes!
• Your best friend – Dress like them, talk like them, even eat like them. It’s pretty hard to mess this one up.
• A baby – just wear some footie pajamas – cute and comfy.
• The Tacky Tourist – Wear a bright colored shirt and some awkwardly-fitting jeans, buy a disposable camera from Walgreens and a cheap looking hat or visor.
• Ghost – you can always just grab an old white sheet from your mom’s linen closet.
If you follow these simple tips you’re sure to have a great Halloween this year, and you may even get some compliments on you costume!

Julia Neri is a senior at York High School. This is her third year as a staff member on York-hi, and she has been the features editor of the newspaper...