In an anonymous survey of 15 out of 16 This Is York staff members, 13 voted for the publication to endorse Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The This Is York staff is made up of three sophomores, six juniors and eight seniors. (Photo from Google Form)
In an anonymous survey of 15 out of 16 This Is York staff members, 13 voted for the publication to endorse Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The This Is York staff is made up of three sophomores, six juniors and eight seniors.

Photo from Google Form

This Is York endorses Joe Biden for the 2020 presidential election

October 30, 2020

With less than one week from Nov. 3, the This Is York staff, consisting of 16 students*, endorses Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris (D-California) for the 2020 presidency in a 13-2 majority. One student declined to vote. Biden holds the Democratic nomination and is going against Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Our student reporters who voted for Trump indicated they supported his handling of the economy and the four million jobs he created during his presidency. The stock market has improved under the Trump presidency aid by the administration’s lowering of the corporate tax from 35% to 21%. Unemployment rates were low under the Trump administration until the pandemic, where 10 million Americans lost their jobs, according to Associated Press.

However, the majority of our students still selected Biden to be our next president based on a wide range of issues and ideologies. In a divided nation, Biden consistently encourages bipartisan support, labeling himself “an American president” in the final debate last Thursday. 

Climate Change

Biden acknowledged the threat of climate change, and the Democratic ticket put plans in place for the United States to combat carbon emissions. The Biden-Harris administration will invest two trillion dollars into a clean energy economy and sustainable infrastructure, such as emission-free transportation and cutting out carbon emissions from power plants by 2035. The plan also calls for net-zero emissions by 2050. While the ticket does not support the Green New Deal or plan on banning fracking, we believe Joe Biden’s progressive stance on climate action will pave the way for a more sustainable economy.

“These are the most critical investments we can make for the long-term health and vitality of both the American economy and the physical health and safety of the American people,” Biden said. “When Donald Trump thinks about climate change, the only word he can muster is ‘hoax.’ When I think about climate change, the word I think of is ‘jobs.’”

COVID-19 Response

Approaching 10 months in the coronavirus pandemic, the Biden administration understands the importance of tackling the issue head on. Our staff found hope in his plan for a nationwide mask mandate, in which the federal government had the final say in the requirements of masks. He also plans to provide more access to testing and eliminate the wait for results. The administration will also expand PPE for treatment of COVID-19.  Biden wants to trust scientists and health professionals to aid our nation and steer us towards a healthier America.

“Biden believes we must immediately put scientists and public health leaders front and center in communication with the American people in order to provide regular guidance and deliver timely public health updates, including by immediately establishing daily, expert-led press briefings,”  as stated on Biden’ s campaign website.

Social Justice

Following the resurgence of a civil rights movement to the national stage, minority rights are a large topic of debate in this election. However, our staff trusts Biden will honor individual freedoms, specifically to minorities. He has spoken in support of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and plans to reform opportunity zones, ensuring their initial purpose, and he heavily advocates for affordable housing for BIPOC Americans. The Biden administration will work to reduce incarceration in the United States by focusing on “redemption and rehabilitation” for drug users. He plans on ending incarcerations based on drug use and decriminalizing cannabis; these steps are all in an effort to close the racial disparities in the criminal justice system. Prisons will also be rehabilitated to fit the needs of women, remain humane and not allow companies to profit off the incarcerated. If elected, Biden will have the first female vice president, Kamala Harris, and the first of color. Biden also pledged to support DREAMers and release a task force to reunite the 545 children at the border with their parents. 

“I never had to tell my daughter if she’s pulled over… for a traffic stop, put both hands on top of the wheel and don’t reach for the glove box because someone may shoot you,” Biden said in the first debate. “But a Black parent, no matter how wealthy or how poor they are, has to teach their child: when you are walking down the street, don’t have a hoodie on… If you get pulled over: ‘Yes, sir. No, sir.’ Hands on top of the wheel.” 

Health Care

The Affordable Care Act was passed under the Obama administration in order to offer accessible healthcare in the United States. Biden believes healthcare is a human right and plans on expanding the act during his presidency, ensuring more public health insurance for Americans. Trump plans on repealing the Obama era plan; however, the administration has yet to present an alternative. Reproductive rights are also on the table this election, with a 6-3 conservative leaning Supreme Court after Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation. Barrett is predicted to rule against Roe v Wade and the Affordable Care Act. The Biden administration will work to make Roe v Wade the law of the land and return Title X funding to Planned Parenthood. The Trump administration restricted funding to abortion clinics. While Biden disagrees with abortion morally, his ticket will work to ensure women have the ability to choose. We believe Biden’s plan to expand public healthcare and legalize abortion access nationwide is an important step to empower women and reduce poverty and debt in the United States. 

“As president, Biden will protect the Affordable Care Act from these continued attacks. He opposes every effort to get rid of this historic law – including efforts by Republicans, and efforts by Democrats,” the Biden Administration stated on its website. “Instead of starting from scratch and getting rid of private insurance, he has a plan to build on the Affordable Care Act by giving Americans more choice, reducing health care costs, and making our health care system less complex to navigate.” 


While education is not the center of presidential debates or party platforms, Biden instated plans for education equity and an affordable college education. The administration will provide financial assistance for schools with high populations for low-income families. By tripling the funding for Title I, the administration plans on mandating an increase in teacher salaries. In order to support disabled students, Biden also wants to fund more physical and mental health professionals in school. In terms of college aid, Biden will partner with states to provide up to two years of free tuition at public colleges, especially for DREAMers and students from low income families. The ticket will invest eighteen billion dollars in historically Black colleges and universities. 

Due to his fight for our individual rights and the continual growth and union of America, the This is York staff supports Biden to be the next president of our nation. We firmly believe Biden will fight for the greater good of all Americans regardless of political party and try to ensure our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

“Now is the time for empathy, decency, and unity. In times of crisis, Americans come together, and everyone steps up to meet our shared civic duty,” according to Biden’s campaign website. “Biden believes this can’t just be a government response — it has to be a whole-of-society response.” 

*The This is York staff is composed of three sophomores, six juniors and eight seniors.

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