Spider-Man Far From Home was released July 2nd and grossed over 1.1 billion world wide. (Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures)
Spider-Man Far From Home was released July 2nd and grossed over 1.1 billion world wide.

Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures

Spider-Man 3 could journey into the multiverse

February 4, 2021

“This is my gift. My curse. Who am I? I’m Spider-Man.” – Peter Parker, Spider-Man (2002) 

The character of Spider-Man is one known amongst millions of people; he has been the biggest superhero of Marvel for a long time. He has been the poster boy for movies, comics, TV shows, action figures and so much more. Generally speaking, when something makes a ton of money, it continues forward. Spider-Man has had live-action adaptations since all the way back in the late 1970s with Nicholas Hammond as Spider-Man followed up with a Japanese version of Spider-Man, Supida-Man. In the late 90s, Marvel had to file for bankruptcy and sold movie rights of their characters to get themselves out of debt; this led to “Blade”, “X-Men” and the film “Spider-Man” directed by Sam Raimi which was the first movie to make 100 million in the box office opening weekend. 

That brings us to the upcoming “Spider-Man 3” which has a plethora of rumors sparking amongst fans and some of them are very interesting. Some of these rumors include returning cast members such as Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, Charlie Cox as Daredevil, Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane, Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, Alfred Molina as Doc Ock, and Willem DaFoe as Norman Osborn. These returns are quite a few rumors, and that’s not even all of them; some other rumors talk about how they could be setting up for new solo movies for Andrew and Tobey and many more. Currently, there are a lot of rumors hovering around this movie, and with more and more being confirmed, many fans are asking, is it too much? The movie has already been said to take place in a three-movie arc between “WandaVision”, “Spider-Man 3” and “Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness”. 

“I think the movie will be good. Every other film so far involving Tom Holland was good,” junior Joey Domingo said. “The rumors make me excited, but I take them with a grain of salt because we still can verify them. I really hope the rumors are true involving Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, and Daredevil. I really want to see less S.H.I.E.L.D. Spider-Man and a lot more of classic Spider-Man. I’d really like to have Spider-Man just be Spider-Man, not have the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. in his way, though I am intrigued to see the Spider-Verse and how that’s going to play out. I really hope this movie isn’t too much, hopefully, Sony learned from the mistakes they made in Spider-Man Three (2007) and The Amazing Spider-Man Two (2014).”

“Spider-Man 3” comes out December 17th, 2021, and is the second film that will deal with the “Multiverse” storyline that is started with WandaVision and ends with “Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness”. With all of the current rumors of “Spider-Man 3,” many different people share different views on how the movie should go, what they’d like to see in the movie, and what the future may hold for the characters down the line. 

“I think the rumors of Spider-Man Three have some truth to them and some may be exaggerated, but I didn’t believe much of them at all until Kevin Feige (President of Marvel Studios) came out and said the film would tie in directly with Doctor Strange Two and WandaVision,” senior Nikkolas Delgado said. “I’m expecting this movie to answer the questions left over from Far From home and resolve the Identity Crisis, I’m expecting better development from Peter Parker and other characters…I do believe it will be a good movie and really cannot wait to see what happens next in the Multiverse saga, like possibly seeing Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man or something like that and just seeing what happens next and how the characters progress in the MCU.”

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