York Live recording showcased in Fine Arts Week outdoor concert
March 25, 2021
The annual York Live concert persisted through COVID-19 for the 2020-21 school year. However, the student performers prerecorded the concert in early March and hosted an outdoor showcase of York Live this Wednesday. The concert occurred during York’s first-ever Fine Arts Month.
“No matter what, Fine Arts Week is about giving students a chance to express themselves and share their art with an audience,” Fine Arts Week coordinator and music production teacher Chris Gemkow said. “York Live is going to be much different, but performers are still going to get that opportunity to put their talents in the spotlight and show off a different side of themselves.”
On Wednesday, audience members view York Live outside of York Community High School.
"The goal of this year’s Fine Arts Month is to provide as many opportunities for students to perform, be engaged and hopefully be inspired," Fine Arts coordinator and music production teacher Chris Gemkow said. "There will still be a York Live celebration, students will still get a chance to play live on the auditorium stage, and there will still be guest artists visiting classes sharing their expertise with students. The difference is that we won’t be able to pack the auditorium with students, performers won’t be able to feed off the energy of a full house, and the guest artists will mostly present to students on Zoom." March 3, 2021.