The student news site of York Community High School

Generation Z Fashion

February 8, 2022

Fashion is really important for the world because it helps us to show the world who we are, represents our history, and tells a story to the world. Fashion has evolved as years went on. We have seen a lot of new trends that the world is interested in that made an impact. Fashion has helped Generation Z to make statements that defy stereotypes and help famous brands to become more popular in social media.

 “ There are a great variety of different styles that many in our generation wear today,” Annie McMormick, a junior said. “I would say style is heavily based on one’s personality, along with their music taste. Many like to express themselves through color and different types of clothing, wearing whatever would fit one’s personal style. “ 

Although many students believe that today’s fashion is based on personal styles that represent who they are. Some students talk about the styles that Gen Z are into. 

 “ Some styles that Gen Z are into would be a more preppy fashion but, others wear more loose style.” Deigo Yepez, a junior said. 

In addition to the styles that Gen Z love to wear, Gen Z are into trends that are popular in the world. 

“ Most of Gen Z just follows trends, there fashion sense changes every couple of years.” Lukas Berg,  junior said. 


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