Speech Team ends their season with Fine Arts Week performance
March 1, 2022
If you missed York Speech’s performance, check it out right here! –>York Speech at FAW

The York Speech Team’s competition season has officially come to an end. This season was incredibly successful for them, with multiple events placing at state. It came to an equally impressive finale with their performances at this year’s Fine Arts Week.
For the senior members of the speech team that participated in the Fine Arts Week shows, this was not only their last performance of the season but also their final performance as students at York and members of the team.
“Nothing beats the feeling of going to tournaments, but it’s pretty cool to perform in front of people who don’t really know what speech is about,” senior Owen Espinosa said. “We did get some laughs so hopefully we weren’t too boring to the audience.”
Performing at Fine Arts Week is a very different experience from the typical competitions and tournaments that the speech team attends throughout the year. But all the members of the team were really excited to share the work that they had put so much effort into with their peers.
“It feels good after representing York at regionals and state that we get to relax and share with our classmates what we have spent so much time on,” head speech co-captain Isabel Kachappilly said.
Everyone that performed was glad to be able to share their dedication and hard work with the rest of the school. As well as, hopefully, being entertaining for the student and staff audience. The members’ speeches ranged from humorous to dramatic, making the audience laugh and cry within 15 minutes of each other.

“We got gasps and tears during my Dramatic Duet Acting, and also laughs during my Original Comedy, so it kind of shocked the audience,” Espinosa said. “It was really fun and definitely something that I won’t forget.”
While for the members of the speech team this was an ending, in terms of their season and for some, their membership to the team. For York Fine Arts Week this was an amazing start. The speech team was a great opening for the rest of the incredible performances and exciting new memories to come this week.
“This is my first time actually performing in Fine Arts Week, and even though it is sad to be ending my speech career, I can look back and see all the amazing memories,” Kachappilly said.