Science Department’s exciting electives

Don’t know what science class(es) to choose for next year? How about science electives? Well, you’re in luck. Besides Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, York’s Science Department offers a variety of science electives.

If you like to be academically challenged, AP science courses are for you! Do you like Biology? Well, there’s AP Biology. How about Chemistry? Is Chemistry a class that you like? There’s AP Chemistry. Maybe you’re into Physics; if so, either AP Physics 1&2 or AP Physics C is for you. Do you care about the environment? AP Environmental Science would be perfect for you.

Perhaps you’re just not that into AP courses or you would like to get more personal experience. If you’re the hands-on type of person? No need to worry!  There’s Anatomy & Physiology/Medical Careers, Microbiology, Forensic Science, and Chemistry of Foods. Anatomy & Physiology/Medical Careers takes up two periods of the day; the first semester focusing on the human body and the second semester is when you apply your knowledge through hospital visits. Microbiology makes connections with the real world through microscopic examination. Forensic Science, which was introduced last summer, applies science that is involved in criminal law. Chemistry of Foods is just like it sounds like; it’s the studying of chemistry that is involved within the production of foods.

Genetics, Biotechnology & Bioethics is another class York is offering which involves looking at DNA in a biological view. There’s also Sports Medicine which gives a general overview in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and physical therapy. This class is very helpful for students who plan to get involved in sports or medicine in college.

In the end, all these science courses are all interesting and unique in their own way. These are courses that are deigned to help you find what you are interested in for your future.