Burger Wars II
A little tasty competition between teams is on the menu to start off the school year.
courtesy of eatingelmhurst.blogspot.com
The Elmhurst location of Meatheads is hosting the second annual York Burger Battle.
The York football team has challenged the York Cross Country teams, boys and girls, to be a part of what is becoming an annual “Burger Battle” at Meatheads. This year, the stakes are higher; Meatheads has agreed to give 10% of the total profits.
The football team paired up with the York Dance Team and York cheerleading squad to match the Cross Country team’s massive numbers. The competition spans from Sept.14 to Oct.5, where the winner will be declared.
Last year, the York football team reigned supreme against the York cheerleading squad in the inaugural burger battle at Meatheads. The rules were simple; each team designed a burger at the Elmhurst location, and the biggest seller won. The football team’s burger, “The Mighty Monken”, proved to be the crowd favorite and the team took home the win, along with 15% of the overall profit.
The team captains met on Monday and discussed the toppings for their opposing burgers, but the decision did not come easy.
“We were sitting next to the football players and cheerleaders and we whispered to ensure they didn’t hear us,” said Allie Wolfe, leader for the Girl’s Cross Country team. “It took an hour and a half to come up with the perfect one.”
But come up with one they did. The Cross Country team’s burger, “The Start Line”, is a new take on the breakfast burger. It consists of fried egg, bacon, red peppers, grilled onions, and a bacon ranch sauce.
Matt Wozny, leader for the football team, revealed the ingredients to the football burger, and it sounds just as impressive as the Cross Country one. “Da Duke and Rally” is topped with bacon, buffalo ranch, cajun fries, lettuce, tomato, and cheddar cheese.
As expected, the competitive nature of both teams has created a little tension, and feuding has already begun. Each side is convinced that their burger will be the one to take home the win.
“All I have to say is R.I.P. to cross country,” Wozny said.
Wozny isn’t the only one on their team to assume early victory. Allegra Sciaccotta, leader for the York Dance Team, is convinced their toppings will prevail.
“It’s going to be spicy and delicious,” she said. “What’s not to love?”
The boy’s Cross Country leader Devin Davies, isn’t worried about the competition or their burger at all.
“There’s a reason we have more championships than the Football Team or Pom and Cheer Squads,” he said. “It’s because we know how to win.”
The competition hasn’t even begun, but it’s already getting heated. So what will it be? Will “Da Duke and Rally” allow the football team to continue their legacy as champions, or will “The Start Line” claim their spot on top? Great taste will prevail; visit Meatheads and you decide.

Nora Barrett, senior, is News Editor and Ad Manager of York-hi. She is captain of the Girl's Cross Country and a member of the Track team. In FCCLA, she...