York builds a new recording studio
When it comes to music, York knows how to set the bar higher every year. This year was no exception. Over the summer, York added a brand new recording studio in the band room area located in the northwest area of York.
“It still needs a little work before we can independently run it; I would estimate about two more years until that happens,” said Chris Gemkow, Music Department teacher and sponsor of Amateur Musicians Club.
The concept of this recording studio at York is still in progress and some things still need to be added.
“The room still needs more sound proofing and a soundboard cables,” said Gemkow.
Regardless of the completion of the studio, it generates a new sense of ownership when it comes to artists making their own music.
The York Music Department wanted students to have the means to record and control the music being created and have already expressed some of their future goals for the studio.
“Our goal is to have an in-house album,” said Gemkow.
Having an in-house album provides motivation to make music without the the hassle of hiring a professional recording artist. It also gives the students a chance to learn the tricks of the trade in the comfort of their own school with the help of teachers.
The York album began last year and comprised of many different students collaborating to create one big collection of original music. This year, students can look forward to the future of music. It’s an art form that keeps developing over time; this is a huge step for York and its music ability as a whole.
Matt is a fun loving journalist on his way to making the world a better place and has been on the York-hi staff for two years. He has been also part of...