Burger Battle serves up competition

The official flyers for the Meatheads Burger Battle includes all of the information for the competition.

The official flyers for the Meatheads Burger Battle includes all of the information for the competition.

With the start of homecoming week came the start of the second annual Burger Battle at Meatheads. The York Girls’ and Boys’ Cross Country teams took on the York Varsity Football team, the cheer squad, and the pom squad. The competition started homecoming Monday and will continue until October 5th. Meatheads kicked off the competition with a burger eating contest; each team selected a few members to face off against each other. The competition was judged by time, rather than who ate the most. Whoever ate the six-patty burger was declared champion, and took home a $50 Meatheads gift card.

Seniors Allison Peterson (left) and Jessica DiChiara (right), in their cross country spirit wear, began the Burger Battle Kick Off party by posing with the official banner.
The cheer, poms, and football’s burger, The Monocle March, is piled high with cheese, cajun fries, tomatoes, lettuce, bacon, grilled onion, and buffalo ranch.
The cross country teams’ burger, The Starting Line, is topped with fried egg, grilled red pepper and onion, bacon, and bacon ranch.
The eat-off competition was a timed event; whoever could eat a plain burger with six patties was declared the winner.
Senior Nick Brown (left) and junior Chuck Walsh (right), representing the York Football Team, eagerly awaited their burger before the competition began.
Senior cheer members Jasmine Santos, Madison Hoffman, and Marina Johnson (left to right), nervously waited until they were told to start eating.
Representing the York Girls’ Cross Country team, Seniors Jessica DiChiara and Sara Acosta and Sophomores Rachel Lezak and Emma Tran (left to right) dove into their six-layer burger one patty at a time.
Cheerleaders Jasmine Santos, Madison Hoffman, and Marina Johnson attempted to eat all six hamburger patties at once.
Football players Brown (left) and Walsh (right) dipped their burgers in water before they attempted to eat each patty individually.
Senior Nick Brown was declared champion of the burger eat-off. He took home the win and the $50 Meatheads gift card for the York Football Team with a final time of 1 minute and 50 seconds.
The York Girls’ Cross Country team competitors gracefully accepted defeat. Although having already eaten four of the six patties in the eat-off, Lezak bought the cross country burger to support the team.
Cross Country girls made an appearance to support their teammates and purchase “The Starting Line.”
Senior member of the cheer squad Matt DeJesus poses with his cross country burger.
Although the football team defeated the cross country team, there are no hard feelings. Junior Chuck Walsh poses with Senior Sara Acosta after the competition.
Although the football team may have been victorious in the eat-off, the cross country team acquired a staggering lead in the Burger Battle.