What does it mean to be a Duke?

“What does it mean to be a Duke?”

Senior Josh Resing: “A Duke to me is like a greater being, like, one big family, you know? We are what we are.”
Senior Liam Fisher: “Duke or die, that’s what I’m saying.”
Italian teacher, Signorina DelPercio:
“To me being a Duke means making lifelong connections not only while you are a student, but even after you graduate. You may not realize it now, but this place will have an incredible impact on you. Years from now, you will find yourself at a party and someone there will be former York Duke. I guarantee that you and this person will find friends in common and share similar memories about your time at York. York is not only a great school, but it really is a great community that everyone should feel proud to be apart of.”
English teacher, Mr. Sharko:
“A ‘Duke’ is passionate about improving this school, filled with enthusiasm and school spirit, and always strives to be the best “duke” or “duchess” he or she can be in whatever they do.”
Math teacher, Mr. Johnson:
“For me, it’s a privilege to be a Duke (again). It represents an opportunity to be an influence on our students and help prepare them for success post high school, just as my teachers once did for me.”

Ella Lee is a senior at York and she is excited to be on the York-hi staff for her second year. In the future, she aspires to study abroad and explore...