Reach for the stars: a preview for “No Man’s Sky”

One of the many creatures you can encounter (and name) in “No Man’s Sky” for the Playstation 4.
Ever dreamed of taking a page out of Morgan Freeman’s book and talking about planets and universes? Well, “No Man’s Sky” may be right up your alley. This PS4 exclusive title is what happens when “Halo”, “Destiny”, and “Jurassic Park” meet up for coffee and donuts.
Here’s how it goes, you play as an astronaut (or Cosmonaut) on a X-Wing type ship, looking around for life. This game was first hyped about in a interview with Stephen Colbert in the “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” (check local listings), where he showed game play of the masterpiece from Hello Games, a four man indie studio that also made “Joe Danger.”
According to their website, this game was “In our heads for a very long time”
If anyone would wager a guess, that means that this will be worth all the hype.
The only question now is: will it flop to “Halo 5,” or will it prove that there is life on other planets in this infinitely expanding universe?
The game’s release date is unknown as of right now, but it’s destined for great things.