Elizabeth Munn joins the Physical Education Department
Photo courtesy of Ms. Munn
Along with many of the other departments at York, the Physical Education Department is proud to introduce the new yoga teacher, Elizabeth Munn.
Previously, Munn had taught at both high school and college levels. She taught at high schools such as New Trier and Lockport, as well as at Stanford and North Carolina State. She now joins York as a Duke by teaching Yoga.
Outside of her zen garden, Munn enjoys getting involved with what York has to offer. Even though this is just her first year, she is involved with Yoga Club, Girls Volleyball, and Girls Softball.
York hi asked Munn questions ranging from how she became interested in yoga to her expectations for herself and her pupils. Here is what she said:
Q: Growing up in Mount Greenwood, Chicago, Munn gained an appreciation for both physical education and science. The question then is, what attracted her more to Yoga/physical education more than science?
A: I have always enjoyed Yoga and have seen the benefits among the students and the athletes I have taught from doing Yoga and that is why I decided to pursue teaching Yoga.
Q: Where did you attend school, and how were you certified to teach yoga?
A: I went to school at Indiana University and received my Yoga certification through Corepower Yoga Teacher Program.
Q: What can students expect from you this year?
A: I set high expectations for my students and believe in each students abilities!
Munn is a great addition to the York Duke family, and York couldn’t be happier to have her. Having only been a Duke for a short time, she is already showing school spirit and is getting involved in multiple sports and clubs.
York can’t wait to see what else she will do this school year!

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