Both Cross Country teams advance to sectionals

On Saturday, October 24, both the boys and girls cross country teams competed in their respective regional cross country meets with their first chance to advance towards the state meet. Held at Proviso West High School, the runners battled cold temperatures and rain but in the end both made the mark and advanced on to the sectional meet. The girls team, taking third place, was lead by Elizabeth Hagstrom, senior. The boy’s team was lead by Charlie Kern, sophomore, who took first place. The boys team displayed a dominating performance with 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th places, earning them 22 points, only seven away from a perfect score. Both teams will compete in a sectional meet on Saturday, October 31 which is the final round before the state competition.

Jack Rodgers
The competing teams line up before the start of the race.
Jack Rodgers
The girl’s race begins after the gun is fired.
Jack Rodgers
York runners work together to make sure the team is as successful as possible
Jack Rodgers
Head Coach Joe Newton congratulates the team on their performance after the race.
Jack Rodgers
The boy’s top seven runners accept their 1st place award.