Students savor their favorite Thanksgiving food
As the York community prepares for a much-needed Thanksgiving break, beginning Wednesday, Nov. 25, students are already thinking about their annual Thursday feast.

“My favorite Thanksgiving food is…everything, I guess.” Sam Kritikos, Sophomore

“I really love pumpkin pie!” Cassy Korah, Junior.

“Definitely turkey.” Luke Rozmus, sophomore

“I really like broccoli!” Jack McDonnell, junior

“Pop-tarts.” Dylan Pozeck, freshman

“Green beans, for sure.” Carli York, Sophomore.
About the Contributors

Ella Lee, Editor-In-Chief, York-hi
Ella Lee is a senior at York and she is excited to be on the York-hi staff for her second year. In the future, she aspires to study abroad and explore...

Kylie Travers, Editor-In-Chief, York-hi
Kylie Travers is a senior at York. This year, she is Co-Editor-In-Chief of the York-hi. Other than her extremely passionate love of writing and reading...