Under the Monocle: Alison Morales

A group of TCD students who also attend York. From left to right: Brynn Noonan, Samantha Castillo, Katy Kosecki, Dionna Shedrick, Allison Morales, Jasmine Santos, and Gianna Grollo. Photo courtesy of Allison Morales.
In 8th grade, Alison Morales was sitting at Bryan Middle School when a representative came to the school to talk about the Technology Center of DuPage. After hearing about the opportunities that existed for her, she decided she wanted to go there once she got to high school.
Now, three years later, Morales is attending TCD and loving every second of it.
“TCD is like a mini-college with programs like cosmetology, criminology, preschool, restaurant, video gaming, nursing, mechanics, and even a truck driving school,” said Morales.
Most of the people who attend TCD go there to get a head start on college. Others go as an alternative to college altogether. Morales, however, is still planning on going to college.
“By the end of senior year, I will have my beautician’s license from TCD,” said Morales, “Some people who go there will also get an associates degree in addition to their high school diploma.”
While at TCD, cosmetology students like Morales work on several skills.
“While we work to get our license, we practice on mannequins, on each other, and do bookwork,” said Morales.
Every high school in Dupage county has the opportunity to go to TCD. At York, there are more students than just Morales who attend the school.
Karla Goldman, Assistant Principal for student services, said, “Typically there are 10-12 kids enrolled in the program each year.”
One hard part about participating in this program was Morales having to get most of her graduation requirements fulfilled before this year.
“There are no requirements for being in TCD except having an interest in the program and achieving all your graduation credits,” said Goldman.
Compared to other York students, Morales’ school day is structured differently.
“I go to school in the morning and take my four core classes: Math, English, U.S. History, and French. Then after fourth period, I take a bus to school. I get out of class at 2:30,” said Morales.
At TCD, the students also have to go to school on Saturdays from 8 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon.
“Saturdays are fun because we can bring friends with us and practice our skills on people we know better,” said Morales.
Overall, TCD has been an extremely positive experience for Morales. One of the main reasons her experience has been so amazing is because of her teachers.
“It’s a lot easier to get close to the teachers. You get to know them on a personal level and spend a lot more time with them. At York it’s a lot more rushed, go to class, and switch periods,” said Morales.
All in all, Morales has learned so much thus far at TCD. She cannot wait until next semester and even next year.

Kylie Travers is a senior at York. This year, she is Co-Editor-In-Chief of the York-hi. Other than her extremely passionate love of writing and reading...