Forget about the football…York comments on Super Bowl commercials and half-time show

Ella Lee

“Puppy Money Baby… I was like ‘What the heck is going on?’ Beyonce wasn’t needed, but she still looked flawless!” -Anna Triska, sophomore

“The one with Jeff Goldman singing the song from Jeffersons was definitely my favorite commercial, I think,” -Hans Martin-Ishida, a substitute teacher.
Ella Lee
“The wiener dog one was my favorite!” -Lexie Ferzacca, sophomore.
Ella Lee
“My favorite commercial was the Doritos one with the baby.” -Dom Castanoli, junior.
Ella Lee
“Best commercial was the one with the monkey puppy baby. I was disappointed by the Budweiser commercial…there was no sad dog.” -Jack Davis, junior.
Ella Lee
“Honestly, I didn’t think the half-time show was that good of a performance. I don’t know. It just didn’t live up to previous years’ performances.” -Alex Wood, sophomore.
Ella Lee
“I didn’t watch the Super Bowl…I was watching Gilmore Girls.” -Abbie Lockie, sophomore.
Ella Lee
“The half-time show was good. Bruno Mars sucks at lip syncing, but he was still great at dancing. Coldplay was the best, though.” -Danielle Fite, sophomore.